Komputer dipakai berganti - ganti kayaknya bakalan rawan kena virus deh, so daripada kena mending jangan dipinjemin temenmu, suruh beli sandiri aja...he he. Jahat banget yah, ga kok! Just Kidding. Berikut ada Tips sederhana gimana agar kompi kamu kaga kena penyakit yang satu itu.
1. Saat Autoplay Flashdisk jangan dulu dibuka pilih ‘Cancel’, Ini bertujuan mengatisipasi Terjebaknya kita oleh virus yang menyamar .
2. Virus akan meyertakan File pemicu biasanya File Autorun.inf ke dalam Flashdisk dengan attribut Hidden, yang menyebabkan ketika kita mendouble klik Flashdisk di my Computer virus secara otomatis mengeksekusi Virus tersebut, pertama kita harus menghapus File tersebut misalkan Flashdisk ada di drive V buka aplikasi comand-prompt : start>run ketikan cmd, lalu ketikan kode berikut :
Del /f /ah /as V:\autorun.inf
3. Virus sering muncul berektensi .vbs (Menggunakan vbscript) yang dihidden atupun terang-terangan , hapus vbs tersebut dengan mengetikan kode berikut di Command-Prompt :
Del /f /s /ah /as /aa /ar V:\*.vbs
4. Atau muncul bereksteksi .scr, hapus dengan kode berikut :
Del /f /s /ah /as /aa /ar V:\*.scr
5. Hal yang paling sulit penghapusan adalah virus yang berekstensi .exe, dikhawatirkan akan ikut melakukan penghapusan terhadap file lain yang berekstensi .exe namun bukan virus (kecuali di flashdisk anda tidak menyertakan file exe). Lakukan pemfilteran dengan ‘Search’ atau F3. Pilih ‘allFile and Folder’,masukan kata kunci *.exe
6. Hapus file yang berikon Folder namun bertype Aplication , File tersebut merupakan Virus yang menyamar menjadi Folder.
7. Andai terdapat File Doc yang Hilang karena virus, kembalikan dengan kode berikut di Command-prompth :
Attrib –h –s V:/*.doc
8. Unplug Flashdisk untuk menghilangkan effect error Pemicu terhadap virus yang sudah terhapus.
28 November 2008
Kena Virus Dari Flash Disk ?.... Aduuuh..
25 November 2008
Cara mengikuti/mendaftar google adsense cukuplah mudah kok sebenernya.Untuk dapat mengikuti google adsense dan berpartisipasi dengan baik, karena jika kamu salah dalam langkah awal kamu tidak akan bisa menggunakan adsense setup untuk adsense for content dan inilah yang sangat kita butuhkan, wah jadi berabe kan? Kenapa kok bisa seperti itu? penasaran yach? hi..hi..hi
Hal ini dikarenakan google belum sepenuhnya menerima bahasa Indonesia untuk adsense mereka. So jika kita melakukan kesalahan maka kita hanya dapat mengikuti program adsense for search saja. Berikut adalah langkah mudah yang dapat kamu pakai jika kamu hendak mengikuti google adsense :
1. Ngedaftar dululah di blogger
Kamu membutuhkan blogger untuk langkah awal, kecuali kamu mempunyai website yang semua atau sebagian besar mengunakan bahasa Inggris langkah ini tidak dibutuhkan.
2. Buatlah beberapa halaman berbahasa Inggris
Kamu tidak bisa berbahasa Inggris? Cukup mudah, kamu cukup copy dari website lain atau kamu cari artikel apa aja, dari koran, majalah atau media lainnya, then kamu tulis ke blog kamu dan publish dech..
3. Daftarkan blog kamu
Kamu dapat mendaftar adsense dengan menggunakan blog kamu dengan menambahkan page element di blogger di menu dalam menu layout, or kamu dapat juga mendaftar di www.google.com/adsense dengan menggunakan alamat blog kamu di blogger.
4. Tunggu approve ( sabar yah karena butuh waktu u/ approvalnya..)
Tunggulah beberapa hari hingga account kamu di terima oleh google, tp kalo ga diterima DILARANG BUNUH DIRI !
5. Masukkan code adsense
Setelah account kamu diterima oleh google, Masuklah dengan mengunakan account kamu. Lalu pilihlah menu adsense for content lalu pilih dan aturlah adsense kamu. Lalu dapatkan kode adsense kamu dan tempatkan di website kamu yang baru
6. Modifikasi kode adsense
Lakukan modifikasi kode google sehingga dapat menerima artikel dengan bahasa Indonesia. Nah, segitu doank panduan yang dapat aku berikan,udah capek nich...Silahkan mencoba, and jangan lupa kalo dapet duit buat nraktir gue.. yoi.
Warning : Orang Pelit Ga Bakal Di Approve !!
Bisnis internet saat ini sangatlah beraneka ragam jenis mulai online marketing, affliate program, maupun sebagai publisher iklan. Banyak sekali orang yang mencoba peruntungan mereka di bisnis ini namun banyak diantara mereka yang mengalami kesulitan menyerah dan kembali di kehidupan mereka karena hasil yang mereka dapatkan tidak seberapa. Bagi mereka yang yakin dan terus berjuang dan kemudian menikmati hasil yang mereka dapatkan dengan bersantai di rumah minum kopi dan nonton tv dan cukup membuka laptop mereka untuk mengetahui uang yang mereka dapatkan hari ini. Jadi masih menguntungkankah bisnis internet.
Bisnis internet saat ini sangatlah beraneka ragam jenis mulai online marketing, affiliate program, maupun sebagai publisher iklan. Banyak sekali orang yang mencoba peruntungan mereka di bisnis ini namun banyak diantara mereka yang mengalami kesulitan menyerah dan kembali di kehidupan mereka karena hasil yang mereka dapatkan tidak seberapa. Bagi mereka yang yakin dan terus berjuang dan kemudian menikmati hasil yang mereka dapatkan dengan bersantai di rumah minum kopi dan nonton tv dan cukup membuka laptop mereka untuk mengetahui uang yang mereka dapatkan hari ini. Jadi masih menguntungkankah bisnis internet.
Peluang usaha atau peluang bisnis
Peluang usaha atau peluang bisnis yang ada di internet harus kita manfaatkan dengan sebaik-baiknya itu jika kita benar-benar menginginkan merubah nasib kita dari karyawan menjadi bos bagi diri kita sendiri. Namun untuk benar-benar berhasil dalam usaha ini kita harus serius dan pantang menyerah, karena kesuksesan di usaha ini hanya untuk mereka yang disiplin, pekerja keras, fokus dan sangat berdidikasi ingin berubah. Jika ini tidak menghasilkan maka kenapa banyak orang yang beramai-ramai dan berbodong menjadikan ini sebagai peluang usaha.
Cari Duit
Cari duit atau cari uang di internet dapat dilakukan dengan dua cara yaitu dengan cara aktif dan cara pasif. Cara aktif artinya kita secara aktif untuk mendapatkan duit, jadi kita harus selalu berhadapat dengan komputer kita. Sedangkan cara pasif kita tidak harus didepan komputer, kita hanya menunggu di rumah sembari tidur dan kita terus mendapatkan duit. Kedua cara inilah yang paling umum dilakukan di internet sehingga kita akan mendapatkan duit ratusan sampai puluhan juta karenanya.
Cara yang aktif untuk cari duit dapat dilakukan dengan mengikuti website ptr yaitu website yang membayar kita untuk membaca email, mengklik banner, dan untuk mendaftar sebagai anggota pada website lain. Contoh website ptr adalah: Getpaidmail, Youromail, donkeymails, orangebizs, dan butterflymails. Selain mengikuti website ptr cara yang aktif dapat kita lakukan dengan mengikuti website yang akan membayar kita untuk upload file, bersosialisasi layaknya friendster. Contoh website upload file adalah: shareapic. Sedangkan website yang seperti friendster tapi dengan duit sebagai imbalannya saat kita berinteraksi adalah: frienszone dan yuwie.
Cara yang pasif dapat dilakukan dengan mengikuti program adsense seperti google adsense, bidvertiser, dan adbrite. Namun untuk melakukan hal ini dibutuhkan skill dalam mendesain web dan layout. Selain itu anda harus mempunyai skill untuk menulis sebuah artikel untuk sajian pengunjung dan seo untuk mengoptimalkan website anda supaya website anda di ketahui oleh banyak orang melalui search engine.
Cara Kerja Website PTR
Pada zaman sekarang banyak sekali lho cara atau media untuk mempromosikan suatu produk. Mulai dari televisi, radio, majalah, dan lain-lain. So bagaimana sich dengan internet? Of course media yang lebih efektif so pasti dengan internet pula donk... dan disinilah bisnis ini dimulai..
Melihat adanya peluang ini para webmaster mulai berlomba bersaing ( dengan cara yang sehat kan ? he he he...)untuk membuat website yang akan menjembatani antara pengiklan dan tentu saja pelanggan. Yang di maksud pelanggan disini adalah anggota dari website tersebut. Bukan hanya promosi alasan pengiklan tersebut, namun bisa disebut juga traffic atau lalu lintas. Gampangannya aja deh.. jika semakin banyak seseorang yang datang mengunjungi website mereka, tentu saja peluang seseorang untuk tertarik lebih besar. Ada juga yang terkadang mempromosikan website mereka untuk mencari referral atau downline (MLM kaleeeee...)
Dengan berbagai alasan tersebut pengiklan selanjutnya membayar sebuat website penyedia layanan yang mereka anggap memenuhi kriteria yang mereka cari. Jika anda bertanya darimana uang yang kita dapatkan, itulah jawabannya.
Selanjutnya sebuah website tersebut mencari anggota untuk membaca email, atau untuk melihat website dari pemasang iklan. Untuk menarik anggota itulah mereka menjanjikan uang yang akan kita peroleh setalah kita membaca email (paid to read) dan browsing (paid to click). Demi mengikuti perkembangan yang terjadi di internet, maka kegiatannya pun bertambah. Mereka bukan hanya menawarkan kepada pengiklan agar pengunjung bukan hanya melihat-lihat website mereka, namun juga mendaftar ke website pengiklan dan tentu saja dengan bayaran yang lebih tinggi. Kegiatan inillah yang kita sebut dengan Paid to signup. Sebenarnya di luar sana juga terdapat yang disebut dengan paid to search, namun itu untuk saat ini tidak berlaku di Negara kita Indonesia (kaciaaaan dech loe....)
Lalu bagaimana uang bisa sampai ke rekening kita? Dan tidak nyasar kemana- mana tentunya.
Website ptr tersebut akan membayar kita dengan sejumlah dollar dalam bentuk e-gold. E-gold bisa dikatakan adalah bank internet dimana kita bisa menyimpan, menerima, dan membayar seseorang dengan rekening tersebut.
Seperti yang sama kita ketahui, jika kita sedang berdiri di bank untuk menukarkan dollar kita terkadang kita melihat beberapa makelar yang menawarkan kepada kita untuk menukarkan uang kita ke makelar tersebut. Seperti itulah yang terjadi di internet, makelar itulah yang akan membeli e-gold yang akan kita dapatkan dari internet untuk ditukarkan dengan rupiah yang kemudian ditransferkan ke rekening kita. Untuk mencari makelar tersebut tidaklah begitu sulit kita cukup mengetikkan “jual beli e-gold” di google maka kita akan mendapatkan banyak sekali makelar e-gold.
Tertarik untuk bergabung?
02 November 2008
Caregivers for Canada
As a new parent preparing to return to the work force, or a parent who just needs some time to him- or herself, the type of child care you choose will depend on several factors.
- Will one or both parents work outside the home?
- Do you only need help with the baby, or do you need help with housework, errands, and cooking, too?
- Are you looking for someone who will live in your home?
- How frequently will you need the child care?
- How much money do you plan to spend?
Child care provider definitions
- Au pair. An au pair will live in your home and will help with child care and housework related to the child in return for room and board and an agreed upon allowance. Au pairs, who are 18 to 26 years old, are regulated by the U.S. Department of State. In addition to caring for children, they must also be enrolled in a post-secondary institution. Most are foreign students who should be treated as part of your family.
- Babysitter. Babysitters generally work for hourly rates. They are strictly there to watch your children, and should be paid extra for additional services. You can either hire a babysitter for one night only, or have a regular schedule (so that, for example, you have someone to watch the kids while you're at yoga).
- Daycare. Daycare can be provided by public or private institutions. They can be run out of centers or private homes. Daycare generally allows your child to interact with other children and develop social skills.
- Doula. A doula assists with childbirth and helps the soon-to-be mother throughout her pregnancy and delivery. Many remain with the family after the baby's birth to help with baby care and housework and ease mommy's transition to motherhood.
- Mother's helper. A mother's helper is usually a "babysitter in training" or other novice child care provider. The job is to generally make the mom's job a little easier while the mom is still in the house or leaves for brief periods of time. The mother's helper will come over at scheduled times to assist with housework, run errands, or play with the kids while the mom cooks dinner or works from home.
- Nanny. A nanny is similar to an au pair, but she does not need to be enrolled in school, and she can be any age. She can stay with you in your home or live nearby.
You will find someone perfect for your situation. It will make your search easier if you know exactly what you're looking for. Try at www.nannies-canada.com
01 November 2008
Pregnancy Tips
A painful side effect of pregnancy can be the nightly leg cramps. What causes pregnancy leg cramps?
When pregnant, our bodies go through a major metamorphosis and the additional weight our legs must bare can have an impact on muscles and you can have sciatic pain and femur pain as well. Leg cramps can happen at night due to many factors such as the weight gain, dehydration, poor circulation and vitamin deficiencies. By dealing with circulation, eating well and getting some help from your spouse, you can reduce the chances of having these pains which disturb your much needed rest.
Be sure you take your prenatal vitamins during pregnancy. Getting enough calcium, magnesium and potassium can reduce the chances of painful leg cramps. Eating a daily banana can increase your potassium levels and reduce the chance of painful muscle spasms like leg cramping.
Many pregnant women avoid having a drink before bed to reduce nighttime waking to urinate but dehydration can cause problems with muscles and increase your chances of having leg cramps.
If you suffer from repeated problems with leg cramps and other aches and pains, consider taking a nightly bath and soaking with witch hazel which can help with swelling and circulation.
Before you retire lay in bed and raise one leg and flex your toes several times. Then rotate ankles clockwise and counterclockwise about ten times each. Then do the other leg.
A combination of all of the above can help you feel better during pregnancy and reduce the likelihood of night wakings with excruciating leg pain.
Don’t take any type of the additional supplements, the drugs or remedies of sweet herbs without checking with your doctor initially to ensure their safety.
Take Care
If there was ever a time to indulge in a little extra pampering and care, this is the time. Since your body needs sufficient rest to worry during this little about life inside, don’t skimp on your sleep during the pregnancy. Take time to exercise, even if it is a walk moderately trained around the neighborhood at night. This will help to maintain your body in the form during the pregnancy and to prepare it for the work of work and delivery that lies ahead.
30 Oktober 2008
Pay Per Click Marketing
The more competition for a keyword or keyword phrase, the higher you'll have to bid in order to get your ad ranked high. PPC marketing enables a website owner to increase their traffic pretty quickly.
When a consumer is searching for a topic and they put the keyword or phrase related to that topic in the search box, they'll see a page of results that include sponsor ads, organic results, and the pay per click ads on the right side of the screen (in Google AdWords).
The higher the ad is placed on that page, the greater the chances of getting people to visit the website. Google and other PPC search hubs have formulas to determine what ads get top placement - it's not all about who bids the most for the keywords.
Google is always changing the way in which it determines what is important in order to rank your ad higher. It's now known that your ad must be well written and relevant. You must make sure you are reading up on the latest requirements that Google has stressed are important factors to have a highly rated ad.
Getting the visitor to click through to the website means you have to capture their attention and pull them away from your competitions ads. While many PPC marketing campaigns are successful, there are that many that end up losing money.
The ad might not clearly convey what the landing page is all about, causing tire kickers to click through just to see. Or, your ad might be deceptive and the landing page not convincing enough to cause a buyer to make a purchase.
The advertiser pays for every click that's made from the ad. If a thousand people click on the ad, but don't buy anything, then they're still faced with paying the search engines for having their ads on the search results page. When your daily amount is reached, Google will stop running your ad.
It's important that when someone clicks on your ad, they are directed to a 'squeeze page' that gathers the name and email address. Also, people buy from those that they know and trust, so you must start building a relationship with your list to ensure long term growth for your business.
PPC marketing enables you to test how successful an ad is and gives you the opportunity to pull it if necessary to replace it with a better one or to keep the same ad and tweak it to optimal performance. Try not to change the entire ad, unless your split testing something.
Google AdSense- techniques
Like any Google AdSense Publisher, you will want to increase your Google AdSense revenue. Your AdSense revenue depends on 3 factors:
1. The number of visitors to your site
2. The number of visitor that clicks on the ads (Click Through Rate, or CTR)
3. How well the ads pay (Cost Per Click, CPC). Get anyone of these factor to go up and you will earn more money from AdSense!
Google AdSense Revenue = Traffic x CTR x CPC
Fortunately you can control all of these variables.
Increase your web site traffic
There are many techniques to increase your web site traffic:
• Basically, you get more traffic as your site get closer to the top (of any list including search engine result page)
• Add your site to directories. They are great way to build link popularity, as well as, get your site indexed in search engines.
• Add your site to search engines (not needed if you already did above)
• Advertise your site through other means
• Etc.
Increase the Click Through Rate
There are many techniques, I will list a few here:
• Make sure the ad is relevant. Although Google does most of this (Google AdSense will show ad according to the keywords on your page), you still have to optimize keywords and keyphrases on the your pages.
• Make sure the ad is visible (many people develop ad/banner blindess), so pay attention to your Google AdSense ad:
- placement - location of the ad on the page, i.e., top, bottom, side, integrated, etc.
- layout - leaderboard, banner, tower, etc.
- color scheme - standout color scheme, versus blend in color scheme.
- Etc.
In any case, never ever ask your visitor to click on the ads or do it yourself. This is against Google AdSense TOS and you will get thrown out of the program.
Increase how well the Ads pay
Your option will be limited with an established sites because you have to keep web pages relevant to the site theme, but you can create new sites to cater to more expensive keywords. You can do this by going to:
• Create web pages relevant to your site, but optimized to the selected keywords.
• Avoid the use of low paying words that may confuse AdSense.
Read More......
Make Progress with Adsense
1. A good AdSense newsletter to start with. The idea of AdSense is solid, but to be honest, to make the huge gobs of money some people report you have to have lots and lots of traffic (see points 4, 5, and 6).
2. There's been some speculation about whether or not you need an outbound link on your pages. The problem with outbound links is you're providing an exit point for someone to leave your page that isn't one of the ad units. Additionally, Google has revised its position concerning competing ad programs. So, what I've done is registered with Amazon as an associate and placed text-links to relevant items, books, etc on my pages. This way if I lose the visitor by the link I have another shot at monetizing them.
3. I've been playing around with using article indexes to provide some extra fodder to my sites. Since its duplicate content I don't know if it'll bring down the PageRank for the entire site or will that individual page get a lower rank, or not indexed at all.
4. One way to get more traffic to your site is to have more links out there. This way you have higher online visibility, and more quality links will give you a higher PageRank (placement in search engine results). I read somewhere that you should add your pages to various social bookmarking sites. Actually what I read was to add every single page from your site.
5. Contribute to relevant forums. Forums have members who hate to see spam on their site, they want good relevant posts. Let’s give him so many hits in so short a time Google will cancel his AdSense account for click-fraud.
6. Like the signature field on forum posts, you can include links back to your site in the "About the Author" field of your contribution. Thus, by providing others with a little free content, you can get hundreds if not thousands of links back to your site.
Wish you the best of luck with your online campaign……………
29 Oktober 2008
The Key To Success
It seems that Google Adsense have already dominated the internet marketing business and is now considered the easiest way to making money online.
The key to success with Adsense is the placing of ads on pages that are receiving high traffic for high demand keywords. The higher the cost-per-click to the advertiser, the more you will receive per click from your site. Obviously, it does not pay to target low cost-per-click keywords and place them on pages that do not receive hits.
With all the people getting online and clicking away everyday, it is no wonder why Google Adsense has become an instant hit.
There are two major, and clever, factors that some successful webmaster and publishers are learning to blend together in order to make money easier using Adsense.
1. Targeting high traffic pages on your website. If you check on your logs, you will discover that many of your visitors are taking advantage of the free affiliate marketing resources and ebooks that you are offering on your site. In simple words, your ads are working effectively and are generating more clicks.
2. Placing Adsense links on pages that are producing little, or better yet, no profit. By placing Adsense on a free resources page, you will reduce the amount of potential customers being lost to other sites.
Many people are using this strategy to pick up some extra and cash with Adsense. This is also especially rewarding to informational sites that focus their efforts on delivering powerful affiliate link free content to their visitors.
With the many techniques that people are now learning on how to make the easiest money by their Adsense, it is not surprising that Google is trying everything to update and polish their Adsense in order to maintain their good image.
With Google Adsense, the possibilities are limitless. If you think more about it, these negative factors may force Google to break down and thrash Adsense in the process. If that happens, people would have to go back to the old ways of internet marketing that does not make money online as easy as Adsense.
For now, however, Google Adsense is here to stay. As long as there are people wanting to earn some easy cash online just using their talents, the future ahead is looking good. Besides with all the strict guidelines that Google is enforcing over Adsense, it will take awhile for the Adsense privileges to be spammed and even terminated.
How to Enjoy Guaranteed Residual Income for Life
Over time, people would like to earn more by working less. There are some people who don't want to work at all but would like to earn big. Twenty years ago, this idea is ridiculous. You can never earn without working. You can be rich from inheritance, but you will never be able to get that amount of money streamed to you regularly in a form or a paycheck without doing anything.
Again, that was before. Today, life is much different. Fortunately, it changed for the better. Guaranteed residual income is a possibility. This means that you can earn a big amount of money from today to your retirement until the rest of your days. The key was to find the right opportunity for you.
However, the only places where you can get guaranteed residual income are through MLM business opportunities. MLM is multi level marketing. It is an online earning opportunity that allows you to build a downline of people who would technically work for you, in a way.
Most MLM business opportunities are open to anyone who would like to join. They may or may not have any startup costs. That actually is for the company to decide. The start-up fees may include set-up fees, trial products, and charge for a whole lot of other support tools. It is very important that you evaluate MLM business opportunities that require registration fees well. You have to make sure that you will be able to recover your investment easily as you go through your business.
MLM guarantees residual income because of your downlines. You will be earning for all the activities of your downline. If they are able to recruit other members, then you benefit from it. If your downlines are able to sell some of the company's products, then you will earn from that too. Some MLM programs allow members to earn from all of their downlines. This means you have the ability to earn from your downline's downlines too. And as the group under you increases in number, you are increasing your residual income as well.
Residual income is the target of many work-at-home businesspersons. Why not? All you really have to do is oversee the marketing operations and you will be able to earn from the whole deal. And overseeing your downlines won't even take 10 minutes of your time. You will be able to get your money for the rest of your life, for as long as the MLM business is up and running.
However, guaranteed residual income doesn't just happen. You have to work for it. It is important that you invest your time and effort on the MLM business of your choice. Residual income happens after you have invested yourself. It is like working yourself out right now to prepare for the future. And depending upon the MLM business of your choice, the path towards the guaranteed residual income could either be sweet or painful. Your choice of a program is really crucial.
For one thing, the company of your choice should be strong and very established. You don't want your company to just disappear into thin air once you are qualified for that residual income. Make some research and evaluate whether the company you'll join is really a good one. You want free flowing income for life without any hassle at all.
Basics of PPC Advertising
PPC, or pay per click, advertising is the most reliable way to purchase guaranteed traffic.
PPC ads can be found in the listings of the major search engines, usually in the right margin and labeled "sponsor listings". Also PPC ads can be delivered from standard Web page content if the Website owner participates in some sort of contextual ad network like Google Adsense.
Setting up a PPC campaign is simple. You must register an account with a publisher or search company and submit your ad in the format of headline and body. After you create your ad you will also need to select the specific keywords you would like your ad to appear for and then bid on these keywords.
In the case of PPC search engine promotion, your ads will only appear when a user searches on the keywords you specify. In the case of PPC ads displayed in standard Web content, your ads will be displayed within articles and blog posts that contain the keywords you have chosen.
You are required to bid a specific amount of money that will be paid for each click your ad receives. Priority is given to the PPC ads with the highest bid amounts.
For instance, you might decide you'll pay 0.10 for each visitor the PPC program sends you.
You will be required to enter your credit or debit card details into the ad system and then fund your advertiser account with an initial deposit.
PPC campaigns will almost always result in lost of traffic. This, of course, means your money will disappear pretty quickly, making the PPC game a little scary for new online marketers.
I recommend 7search.com for new marketers. This program serves PPC ads through a contextual ad network and on a variety of major search engines so you can get lots of good traffic from a wide variety of sites.
As long as you can afford a reasonably competitive bid, you will definitely receive a good flow of traffic from PPC promotion.
If you’re not willing to test your sales page, ad copy, and overall process extensively don’t bother registering a PPC account.
Increase your income
Google adsense is proving to be probably the number one method of making money on the internet. Visit nearly any website today and you will see an array of Google Adsense ads being displayed.
Here is the five top tips to increase your Google Adsense income :
Tip 1
Use articles on your website that are of interest to your targeted market. Original articles written by yourself are best, however if you are not keen on writing why not look at obtaining some Private Label Rights articles.
Tip 2
Keep your web page layout simple and don’t include links to other products or services, which could distract your visitors from clicking on your Google Adsense ads. Remember this strategy is to increase your Adsense revenue
Tip 3
Design your Adsense ads to blend in with the background color of your webpage and also position them in the most profitable positions available.
Tip 4
Keep track of your visitors and the income they produce to your website, you can do this by creating a channel in the Google Adsense back office. Again remember, that if your website is not producing a decent income then you need to look at different subject matters, subjects of interest that people want to read more about and are willing to visit your website in order to read more.
Tip 5
Traffic generation is the real key to success and without visitors to your website you won’t make any money.
28 Oktober 2008
How AdWords Works to provide you pay per click advertising
AdSense is one of the best ways to monetize your web traffic. People see those little Ads by Google, tidbits and they click like crazy. How AdWords Works?
AdWords provides pay per click advertising to merchants who are willing to shell out anywhere from a minimum 0.05 per click all the way up to a maximum of $100 per click, Can you imagine anyone paying $100 just to have someone click on an ad.
Anyway, the advertiser joins the AdWords program and gets a control panel similar to the one that we AdSense users get. They can write their ads, pick their keywords, and establish an advertising budget.
Once an advertiser is happy with their ad, it gets released to the network and shows up on web sites like yours and mine. That is if the keywords on your site match the keyword requirements of the brand spanking new ad, of course.
Google does not simply push the people with the highest paying ads to the top of the SERP (Search Engine Results Page). They use a rather fair methodology that takes into consideration not only the maximum CPC (cost per click), but also includes a secret recipe for determining an ads placement based upon the number of clicks the ad receives. So, at least in theory, an ad paying 0.05 per click could rise above one paying $5.00 per click if it is more popular with Google audience.
Personally, I am not sure that I have the guts to invest a lot of money into hoping that people who click on my ad will actually buy something, since I still have to pay Google whether I make a sale or not.
Making Money On The Internet
With the onset of an Internet era, more and more people are looking forward to start their own online business.. To begin your online home business, all you need is a PC and an Internet connection to reach out to large number of people round the globe.
Internet offers several opportunities to earn money and run your business successfully simply by working on the Internet at home. If you are ready to make an investment initially, you can start earning online by becoming an affiliate. There are several people, who earn huge profits by selling products on EBay. You can sell other’s products by marketing it and earn a share of owner’s profit. More products you sell, the more you earn.
You may want to sell you own products via Internet and make money. However, to let people know about your products, you need to market it as well.
If you simply browse the Internet, you will find several websites offering online income. Running online business has numerous advantages, apart from earning good money. As your earnings are completely dependent on your online business, you need to be dedicated and work hard even though you have well established yourself. If you take all the required steps, you would earn huge amount of money, just with a click of your mouse.